Finally, the technology is here!-
When I first started showing my services to trainers, the first question was - So I can sit here with a laptop and watch my horses heart rate and gallop speed in real time? Uh, unfortunately the answer was no. But no longer....
Polar has released the Team2 system, which allows you to outfit several horses with HR gear simultaeously, then send them out on the track and watch how they respond on your laptop.
How does this help us?
Most importantly, we can send out a string of horses for similar workouts, even in company, and gauge their fitness levels immediately. In the image above for instance, there is a 'red' horse and a 'blue' one riding side by side.
Every step of the way, the red horse exhibits lower heart rate/exertion levels than the blue - even though to the naked eye they appear to be physiological equals.
Imagine a farm doing this with their 30 yearlings in an exercise wheel, the true racing specimens would literally jump off the page-
(the above pic was from a human case, which explains the low heart rate data, Rutgers University to this date has the only equine version, I should have mine in the next few weeks - I will then FLOOD you guys with examples)